How to Connect Coaxial Cable Connectors?
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- Sep 20,2022
Coaxial cable brings TV and Internet signals into homes and other buildings. The ends of these cables require connectors to connect devices like TVs and carry the signal. Here's how to connect the coaxial cable connector.

Coaxial cable brings TV and Internet signals into homes and other buildings. The ends of these cables require connectors to connect devices like TVs and carry the signal. If you have coax without connectors, installing your own is a simple task. Strip the wires and expose their inner conductors. Then push the connector onto it and crimp it into place. For tight spaces, use right-angle connectors to avoid excessive cable bending.
Method 1: Select and strip cables
1. Determine if you have RG59 or RG6 cable
These are the two most common types of coaxial cables, one of which you may have. The easiest way to tell is to look at the rubber casing of the cable.
The main difference between the cables is that RG6 is thicker and more padded than RG59. This makes it more durable and a more common choice for cable and internet wiring.
2. Get the connector that matches your cable type
The most common coaxial connector is the F type. Find an F-connector at the hardware store and match it to your cable width. Get one for each cable you connect.
There are also type N connectors, although these are less common in home installations.
F-type connectors still come in a variety of styles, including crimp and twist. If you don't know which option is best for you, ask a store employee.
3. Cut 1⁄2 inch of rubber from the end of the cable
Use a wire stripping tool or razor. Measure 1⁄2 inch from the end of the cable and cut around the outer rubber layer. Then pull it down to reveal the mesh below.
Do not cut the cable completely. Just cut the outer rubber covering. Cutting too deep can damage the connection.
Be careful if you do this with a razor. Do not put your fingers in the path of the blade and hold the cable tightly.
4. Peel off the wire mesh
This wire mesh is the second layer of the cable. Use your fingers or a pair of pliers to peel off the mesh. Fold it down onto the rubber casing under the first cut you made.
A wire stripping tool can cut this section and remove it, but be careful if you do this. Do not cut too deep to avoid damaging the conductor in the center of the cable.
5. Trim the insulating plastic 1⁄4 inch from the end of the cable
The final layer of insulation for the cable is the white plastic casing surrounding the main conductor. Use wire strippers or a razor to lightly cut around the plastic 1⁄4 inch from the top. It is then stripped to expose the copper conductors underneath.
Plastic can be covered with foil.
Be especially careful when removing the plastic cover. If you damage the conductors, your signal will be weaker.
6. Remove any wire mesh that touches the conductors
If any part of the grid touches the conductors, it will interfere with the signal quality. This is called a stinger. Double-check that the entire wire mesh is not peeling and that no part is touching the conductors.
Method 2: Attaching the crimp connector
1. Slide the crimp ring over the cable
Put it under where you cut it so it doesn't get in the way until you need it. Make sure to slide the ring on first, otherwise, you'll have to remove the connector later and start over.
Not all connectors have individual crimp rings. Some connectors already have crimp rings attached. Check which type you have.
2. Push the connector onto the cable so that the copper conductors stick out
Hold the cable in one hand and the connector in the other. Then insert the conductor into the bracket in the center of the connector. Keep pushing until the conductor sticks out over the edge of the connector on the other side.
This will require some pushing as the connector has to be wedged between the rubber shell and the plastic layer. Try twisting the connector back and forth a little to connect it to the cable.
If you are installing the cable outdoors, remember to use waterproof connectors. This is in rubber.
3. Crimp connectors and wires
The crimp tool pushes the crimp ring all the way inside the connector, securing the connection. Choose the correct chip or width for the cable you are using. Then insert the cable into the crimping tool. Squeeze the handle until you hear a click, indicating that the crimp is complete.
Some crimping tools work differently. Follow the instructions on the specific tool you are using.
4. Trim off any wire mesh sticking out from under the connector
These metal pieces can interfere with your signal or wiring. Check to see if any wires come out around the connector. If you see anything, use wire cutters to trim them away.
Method 3: Install right-angle connectors
1. Put the connector base on the wire
Most right-angle connectors have a base that holds the housing together. Slide this base over the stripped wires so it's there after the connector is installed.
Remember to slide the base first before installing any other connectors. If you forget, you will have to remove the connector and redo the process.
Some right-angle connector kits are different. Follow the procedures for any product you use.
2. Loosen the screws in the connector
The front of the connector housing has an internal screw for transmitting the signal. Turn the screw counterclockwise to loosen it.
Do not remove the screws completely. Release it.
3. Contact the conductor with the screw and tighten
Insert the cable into the housing with the conductor touching the screw. Hold it in place and turn the screw clockwise to tighten. Forms a tight connection that keeps the cable in place.
Tighten only until the screws are snug. Do not overtighten it or you may damage the copper conductors.
4. Install the back shell of the connector
the rear and align it with the notch in the front. Then press the 2 pieces together with the cable between them.
At this point, some connectors may click together. Go ahead and fasten the pieces together in case they don't connect automatically.
5. Twist the connector base around the connector
The base locks the two parts together. Push it up until it reaches the connector, then twist it onto the two pieces. Make sure the connection is tight and the job is done.
The above briefly introduces the steps of connecting coaxial cable connectors. If you want to customize or buy coaxial cable connectors, please contact us.
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